Wednesday, June 15, 2016

All endings leads to new beginnings, or do they?

105 days since we all moved away form our normal life settling in at the Global Platform meeting our new friends, the trainers, the staff, the program, the new life for the next four months. We all came with different agendas and now is the big question: did we met them?

I can only speak on my behalf, what the others have obtained are their story to tell. Me? I came with the hope of getting knowlegde, tools and courage to make a difference in society. An unrealistic goal perhaps but rather aim high then not have any goals. 

I felt I was surrounded by senselessness and injustice mainly created by the goverment and my own lack of action. So when I took a gapyear from studies it was with the purpose to switch out the two negative emotions with hope and fighting spirit. A search of the internet lead me to Mellemfolkelig Samvirke's folkschool abroad. The description of the program intrigued me where terms as governance, active citizenship, global citizenship, campaign strategies, human rights and gender equality (plus traveling) was stressed. 

Now the course has come to an end and now the time is to look back at the four months and decide if the personal goal has been reached or maybe is something new has been added?
Through educetion, discussions, meeting different people and experiencing that your voice do mean something I got the courge back. 

My plan is to go back with all I have learned and involve myself in the refugee situation because I believe that all humas are equal. 

But as my headline suggests there are always a risk that ones hopes and ideas are not acted out. Life has a way of not wanting to be planed. But I very much hope that the feeling inside me of wanting to be an active citizen stays so that this ending will lead to a new beginning.   

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